KOELLIKER SAP Downtime solution
for the SAP© Modules

A hospital Managementsystem like SAP IS-H is one of the critical and significant clinical application. The availability must be guaranteed 24 hours and 365 days (Near Zero Downtime). In case of abrupt failrue or schedule Zero-downtimes of the entire SAP system or other important IT-Components as well the IT-Administration should have a appropriate solution to ensure that Patient madical administration can be performed continuously. Beyond that it must be ensure that all relevant subsystems get all patient HL7/HCM data in order to continue their work. With the KOELLIKER SAP Downtime solution you are in the position to switch over to a proffessionaly Koelliker application that helps all users to continue their work without lack of time..
more about SAP zero downtime solutions
Koelliker Product News
Product Information’s

Feb. 2017 – Koelliker Switch FrameWork is ready for new SAP HANA database
Feb. 2017 – Das Koelliker Switch FrameWork is ready for SAP Max-Db database
Dec. 2016 – Koelliker Switch FrameWork consist of new customization for I.S.H.med
Dec. 2016 – Koelliker Switch FrameWork FI/CO/MM can be supported
Nov. 2016 – German University hospital checkt successful the clnical orders by Switch FrameWork as a part of I.S.H.med