Koelliker Downtime System

A stand-alone downtime system for SAP Healthcare system which ensure that you can continue your work in case of every possible scheduled or abrupt SAP downtime or other IT-Components. It helps you to continue assigning patient admission, transfers and discharges (ADT data) and all other IS-H data like new born or patient information as well. Konas consists of a local GUI, Konas HCM Server and a Konas SQL Database. Because the Konas SQL Database gets all standard SAP HCM files, sending all 2 minutes bny SAP, it consists of all current patient, case and movement data. All screen masks e.g. NV2000 look like SAP and their functionality and plausibility checks correspond to SAP. Thus, all users can start to work with Konas without practice and lack of time. Additional, KONAS is able to support netfailures.
Konas is able to support following failure scenarios:
- Scheduled downtimes
- Unplanned & abrupt SAP downtimes irrespective of the duration
- Network interruption
- All Konas supported functionalities, depending on the scenario, can be found in the Konas functional list, which can be sent if required.
As Konas is able to run irrespective of SAP, it is possible to run Konas even if SAP is available. This is very useful, if the IT-department has to run urgent activities or maintenance within the system, what wouldn’t be possible without a appropriate downtime solution. During a system maintenance, all users will log off from SAP temporarily and start to work with our solution.
Konas is already customized during the installation on your house specific Clinical Process Builder (NV2000) including all necessary resources such as patient forms, labels, etc. In addition to the NWP1 Transaction like the clinical workplace Konas consist of the standard SAP 1.2HCM filetransfer, which provides all subsystems or your communication server with all the necessary patient data.
A specific developed ABAP program (Sync Agent called Workbench), which ensures that all data once assigned or changed in Konas will transfer back to SAP by running through all SAP plausibility and edit checks.
Konas runs under Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and in the Citrix environment. For the detailed software –and hardware requirements, see System Requirements.